Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping & Handling

Where do you ship from?

I ship from the southeastern USA (United States).

What shipping service do you use?

Domestic orders (USA):  USPS First Class Mail (3-5 days)

International orders: USPS First Class International Mail or Asendia USA (average 2-4 weeks, but may be longer)

Please note these are just average transit times. These can vary greatly depending on the country I'm shipping to, weather, holidays, etc. Please see the shipping and handling page for more information.

For customers in the United Kingdom and European Union, please use my Etsy Store to purchase since I am unable to process VAT payments on this website.

How long until my order is shipped?

In-stock items have a 3-5 business day processing time (Monday through Friday), but I usually drop off packages once or twice a week depending on my work schedule and the number of orders I have received.

Please note this whole store is a solo endeavor for me, so it takes me some time to put everything together. :) When I have new releases, sales, or gifting holidays there may be delays if I have a large amount of orders. From past experience, I am usually able to handle them in my expected timeframe, but if I am unable to I will inform customers via e-mail/social media.

Can I combine shipping if I made multiple purchases?

Yes, as long as I have not already shipped your item out. Please contact me ASAP via my Contact Form with your order numbers if you want to combine shipping.

Can I cancel my order?

I accept order cancellations within 24 hours of purchase, as long as the item has not already been shipped.  Please use the contact form and provide your order number & request to cancel your order.

Can I get a refund?

Refunds are assessed on a case by case scenario.

If you have an issue with your order (such as incorrect item received, item not received, etc.), please use the contact form, provide the order number, and description of the issue.

International Shipping Questions

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, I ship worldwide to countries that are able to recieve USPS (United States Postal Service) packages and Asendia USA packages.

Do you ship to the European Union or United Kingdom?

If you are in the UK or EU, I have my items available for purchase from my Etsy store which handles VAT payments at the time of purchase. Unfortunately I am unable to handle VAT requirements as an individual business owner due to the complex tax requirements, so I cannot sell to the UK/EU with my individual website at this time.

If you see something on this website that is not available on Etsy, send me a message through Etsy so that I can make a custom listing for you there!

If you are in Europe, but not in a country in the European Union, this does not apply to you.

Countries in the European Union include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Update (2022-04-16) - Currently I am unable to ship to Germany due to The German Packaging Act (VerpackG) requirements. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Is there a cheaper international shipping option?

At this time, I do not have a cheaper option for international shipping for items that require tracking (items that cannot fit into a flat envelope like pins, bigger items, etc). Unfortunately, shipping from the USA to other countries can be very expensive, especially when the package is heavier or bigger. Shipping prices have been increasing every year to ship to countries outside of the USA as well.

Will I have to pay customs or import taxes on my order?

Please note that the customer is responsible for any customs or taxes/fees. Please check your country's customs and tax policies before purchasing an item so that you do not have surprise fees.

I declare the costs of the items on the customs forms as accurately as possible. Failure to declare accurate prices or falsely marking a commercial parcel as a gift on a customs form is illegal and can result in heavy fines or jail time.

If you are from the UK or EU, I recommend shopping from my Etsy Store which handles the VAT payment process at the time of checkout.

Pin Grading

Standards vs. Seconds

Standard pins: Perfect or near perfect. May include tiny specks, scratches, or other minor imperfections on the plating or enamel that are less noticeable.

Pins plated with black nickel or rose gold, have large areas of polished metal, or are bigger may have some minor surface scratches and still qualify as standard grades. This is due to the nature of the plating being more prone to scratches during production for these instances.

Seconds pins: Have more noticeable flaws from production, which may include but are not limited to: moderate scuffing, underfilled/overfilled enamel, or visible bubbling. For pins with screen printing, pins may have notably misaligned screen printing that affects the overall design, or smudged/faded screen printing details. Flaws vary for each pin but are still wearable. Great for backpacks!

Grading Process

I usually inspect my pins in natural sunlight at about an arm's length and look over the surface for large scratches, scuffing, underfilled enamel, and more . I then check the sides and back to ensure there aren't large areas of missing plating. Usually when I inspect pins, I place significantly less scrutiny on the sides of the pin and almost no scrutiny on the back of the pin.

Please note that pins are hand made items so they are not perfect in nature. It is also important to remember grading is subjective and varies from person to person. 


What is a pre-order?

Pre-order items are items that are not yet made. It will go into production if enough slots are filled within the expected time frame. For enamel pins, once the production starts, it is estimated to be 1-2 months before the order is in my hands to ship out to you. 

If I order in-stock items with pre-order items, will it all ship together?

If you order a pre-order item with an item that is currently in-stock, the in-stock item will be held until pre-orders are made and shipped out. If you want the in-stock item faster, please purchase it separately!

Other Questions

I have a question or issue about my order.

If you have a question or issue about your order that was not addressed by any of the above, please contact me via my Contact Form. Please include your order # if it is an existing purchase, as I will ask for it if you do not. :)

Can I get a tattoo with your pin designs/artwork?

At this point in time, I don't really feel comfortable with people getting my art tattood on them. I am still growing as an artist and have a lot to learn about design, so I would rather not have my art used in this manner. :) Thank you though!